Solo-Central Java

This centre of Javanese culture has old colonial charm, the best of Southeast Asian warmth and the wide streets and well-planned squares of a small European town. Crumbly old-Dutch buildings and the two keratons of Kasunan and Mangkunegaran dominate the old town, surrounded by quaint streets lined with small houses with proudly manicured gardens.

Why, such a lovely name for such a close-knit and affable town. Solo, previously known as 'Surakarta' was indeed, living by its namesake, until recently. A result, 99.9% of the population of Solo, a naturally halus or well-mannered people, are not only extremely friendly to visitors but also free of the 'hello mister' attitude that comes with big tourist traps. People in Solo love a visitor.

This is a town made for the open-air. Sit in a becak or hop on the back of an ojek or motorbike taxi, stop for nasi liwet at a small side-street or sing your heart out at one of the obscure karaoke shacks and bars, open until dawn. Though many places are open all night, Solo affectionately goes by the old moniker 'So-slow,' precisely what gives it such lovable appeal. 

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